Happy 2009!

Happy 2009, HuffPosters! This is certainly one of the most momentous New Years in our lifetime -- a year of tremendous challenges, but also the beginning of a bold, exciting new era. May the coming year bring us strength, wisdom, courage, and a clear perspective on what matters and what does not. Earlier this week, I offered my list of all the things that happened over the last twelve months that I'd love to forget, and asked you to remember any that I might have forgotten. You responded with a fantastic collection of unforgettable Things to Forget.to check out our favorites. Let's remember them one last time, then delete them from out internal hard drives forever -- collectively starting 2009 off with a clean slate.
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Earlier this week, I offered my list of all the things that happened over the last twelve months that I'd love to forget, and asked you to remember any that I might have forgotten.

You responded with a fantastic collection of unforgettable Things to Forget. Here are our favorites. Let's remember them one last time, then delete them from out internal hard drives forever -- collectively starting 2009 off with a clean slate.

That Eliot Spitzer wasn't the sleaziest governor in 2008. (reynoljh)

That Dunkin' Donuts pulled an ad with Rachael Ray because the wingnuts convinced them she was wearing a terrorist scarf. (Sue236)

Henry M. Paulson Jr. asking American taxpayers for $700 billion with only a three-page contract. (SantaFeStars)

People who still think Obama is a Muslim. People who think being a Muslim is a bad thing. (MartineFromMontreal)

John McCain's campaign. (WADIIAH)

$147 for a barrel of oil. (ibsteve2u)

Prop 8 in California. (jfrisco11)

Hillary dodging sniper fire. (DemMD)

Sarah Palin winking at us. (poeticsinger)

"You betcha'!" (KarelS)

"Drill Baby Drill!" (SantaFeStars)

The First Dude. (LanosIceland)

That "Hancock" was a blockbuster hit while "Religulous" wasn't. (abius83)

The implosion of the newspaper industry. (night_owl)

"America is a center-right nation." (foolwriter )

Blago's hair -- and everything else about him. (hellerious)

The Bradley Effect. (ankae)

The term "under the bus." (Craftyone)

Chuck Norris. (adamselzer)

Elisabeth Hasselbeck. (PSZ)

Tucker Bounds. (DemAbroad)

Tom Cruise, in any form whatsoever. (Pamelafisk)

Jeremiah Wright. The right wing media's coverage of Jeremiah Wright. (Archontruth)

[Insert First Name] the [Insert Profession]. (aka-ub)

That no matter what the Bush administration did, 27% of the population would still support him. Even as a Cubs fan, I don't understand that kind of loyalty. (rsquared99)

That America tortures. (M1)

That bees are disappearing. (M1)

That China allowed underage girls to participate in the Olympics gymnastics events. (Obamerican)

For all of the True Geeks out there: Dungeon and Dragons 4th Edition. Knight Rider. The last Cylon model. RIAA and MPAA lawsuits. (Zortag)

The Detroit Lions' history making 0-16 season. (secordry1)

Auto execs flying into Washington on corporate jets to testify before Congress. (mryfrtsn)

The leader of this nation saying "nucular." If you can't pronounce it correctly you shouldn't be in charge of the button. (oneyedsnake)

Shout outs to third graders. (gayinmt)

Heather Mills' divorce from Paul McCartney. (Harobamason)

Barack Obama bowling. (Harobamason)

"That one." (Bobcaaat)

Bill Kristol cluttering the Times. (Imago)

Jen vs Angelina -- yawn. (metivo)

Christopher Buckley's resignation being accepted at the National Review. (JBCinSD)

The housing market crash. The stock market crash. The Lakers' NBA Finals crash. (exdubyafan)

My husband losing his job. All the other thousands of Americans losing their jobs. (Deidroni)

Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota implying that liberalism was anti-Americanism. (IranQuest)

That Michele Bachmann was reelected. (theone718)

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