Notes from Davos

Here is a collection of my dispatches from Davos, starting with two dramatically different views of our economic crisis from Niall Ferguson and Henry Kravis.
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The Great Repression, Homer as the Original UGC, and Is America the New Argentina?
Harvard professor Niall Ferguson deems what we are going through not a Great Depression but a "Great Repression."

The Sessions I Decided to Skip
Davos is not a place for people who have a hard time picking and choosing.

Contrition, Paralysis, and the Embrace of Faith and Philanthropy Take Hold
If bankers and politicians were stocks, Davos attendees would be shorting them.

Blackstone's Schwarzman "Walking with His Head Still On"
How long will the hard times last? "Don't hold your breath and don't buy new clothes," I was told.

Contrite Bankers, Overflow Interest in Philanthropy, Mistrusted Americans
"What went wrong?" and "How did we miss the signals?" are the two questions that keep coming up in almost every speech and conversation.

Davos '09: Less Glitz, More Anxiety
The theme of this year's conference is "Shaping the Post-Crisis World." Glad to hear the organizers are expecting there to be a "post" to this "crisis."

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