<em>NY Times</em> Attorney to <em>NY Times</em>: No Comment

Attorney to: No Comment
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How lame has the New York Times' coverage of the Judy Miller case been? Well, in its big story on Miller's release last night (the one scooped by multiple media outlets), the paper of record couldn't even get a quote from its own lawyer!

The key question arising out of Miller's release is why she spent 85 days in jail waiting for a voluntary waiver that Joe Tate, Scooter Libby's lawyer, says had been given more than a year earlier. Miller says she did not understand that the waiver had been freely given. Tate says that Times/Miller lawyer, Floyd Abrams, had long ago been told that it had been freely given.

So what did Abrams (never one to shy away from an interview when it suits his purposes) have to say about the matter? According to the Times, "Mr. Abrams would not discuss the question."

Stonewalled by someone you've got on retainer? Now, that's dogged reporting!

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