On Friday, President Obama spent four hours in Afghanistan, assuring the troops that they're winning the war against the Taliban. Unfortunately, that wasn't his only disconnect from reality. In a week in which the latest unemployment numbers proved that hopes of a recovery are wishful thinking, in which Congress refused to extend emergency unemployment benefits for 2 million of the long-term unemployed, and in which nearly 27 million Americans are out of work or underemployed, the conversation in Washington is all about the deficit and extending tax cuts for the nation's wealthiest two percent. And the White House promoted and enabled this disconnect when, months ago, it set up a Deficit Commission instead of a Jobs Commission. Welcome to the fierce lack of urgency of maybe some day but not now.
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On Friday, President Obama spent four hours in Afghanistan, assuring the troops that they're winning the war against the Taliban. Unfortunately, that wasn't his only disconnect from reality. In a week in which the latest unemployment numbers proved that hopes of a recovery are wishful thinking, in which Congress refused to extend emergency unemployment benefits for 2 million of the long-term unemployed, and in which nearly 27 million Americans are out of work or underemployed, the conversation in Washington is all about the deficit and extending tax cuts for the nation's wealthiest two percent. And the White House promoted and enabled this disconnect when, months ago, it set up a Deficit Commission instead of a Jobs Commission. Welcome to the fierce lack of urgency of maybe some day but not now.

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