Sunday Roundup

Sunday Roundup
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This week the president headed out for his 50th Crawford vacation, but not before slipping John Bolton in through the UN's backdoor -- a move that sent Paul Feig, Rep. Diane Watson, Steve Cobble and Cenk Uygur racing to their keyboards. And while W was clearing brush, our bloggers were slashing through a wide range of issues. Be sure and check out Rebecca Pidgeon on London, Alan Dershowitz on the Middle East, Margaret Nagle on Sudan, Danielle Crittenden on Camp Crawford, Sam Harris on intelligent design, Katrina vanden Heuvel on Frist's stem cell stand, Dan Pasternack on the eating disorder recovery movement, James Moore and me on Judy Miller, and David Corn, Jay Rosen and Bill Diamond on the Novak meltdown.

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