Sunday Roundup

It was quite a week. Barack Obama became the Democratic nominee -- rousingly endorsed by Hillary Clinton. Oil hit an all-time high; Bush's approval rating hit an all-time personal low. McCain hammered Obama for being willing to meet with our enemies on the same day a new poll showed 67 percent of the public agrees with Obama. A Senate report re-re-re-confirmed that the Bush administration led us into war under false pretenses. Tom DeLay proved he hasn't lost a step -- or gained an IQ point -- calling Obama "a Marxist." Bill Clinton erupted. Again. My good buddy Al Franken moved another step closer to the U.S. Senate. And the Hummer hit a dead-end. GM killed the electric car; soaring gas prices killed the Hummer. Karma all around.
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It was quite a week. Barack Obama became the Democratic nominee -- rousingly endorsed by Hillary Clinton. Oil hit an all-time high; Bush's approval rating hit an all-time personal low. McCain hammered Obama for being willing to meet with our enemies on the same day a new poll showed 67 percent of the public agrees with Obama. A Senate report re-re-re-confirmed that the Bush administration led us into war under false pretenses. Tom DeLay proved he hasn't lost a step -- or gained an IQ point -- calling Obama "a Marxist." Bill Clinton erupted. Again. My good buddy Al Franken moved another step closer to the U.S. Senate. And the Hummer hit a dead-end. GM killed the electric car; soaring gas prices killed the Hummer. Karma all around.

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