Sunday Roundup

This week, Barack Obama made the mistake of speaking out on Gatesgate before he had all the facts. On national TV. Which is a shame because his larger point -- that there is still much work to be done when it comes to racial discrepancies in our justice system -- has gotten lost in the back and forth about the stupidity of his use of "stupidly." He's tried to make it right with an offer to work things out over a beer at the White House with Officer Crowley and Professor Gates. This has the rare chance to turn into both a teachable moment and a great beer commercial. "Tastes great, less jail filling." But he needs to pick his brew carefully. An import will drive Lou Dobbs crazy. And if he picks a dark beer, we'll get a week's worth of stories on Fox.
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This week, Barack Obama made the mistake of speaking out on Gatesgate before he had all the facts. On national TV. Which is a shame because his larger point -- that there is still much work to be done when it comes to racial discrepancies in our justice system -- has gotten lost in the back and forth about the stupidity of his use of "stupidly." He's tried to make it right with an offer to work things out over a beer at the White House with Officer Crowley and Professor Gates. This has the rare chance to turn into both a teachable moment and a great beer commercial. "Tastes great, less jail filling." But he needs to pick his brew carefully. An import will drive Lou Dobbs crazy. And if he picks a dark beer, we'll get a week's worth of stories on Fox.

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