
Adam Williams

Music fanatic, surfer and culture enthusiast

Adam Williams is a music fanatic, surfer, and culture enthusiast. He is a featured writer for with a readership spanning the globe and hosts an online music blog

Adam grew up in Torbay, South/West England in the pastoral fishing town of Paignton. He finished school and went into the family business (Plumbing and Heating, not organized crime) to help his Dad. Despite his familial vocation he always had an itch for adventure, to explore the world and share his experiences through his writing.

Seeking to expand his horizons and fuel his passion for writing, he moved to Nicaragua Central America in 2012, where he immersed himself in the energetic local music and sports scene, surfing, boxing and playing football with the locals by day and climbed on stage with his guitar sharing his music by night. His plans for travel don't stop there, with trips planned to, New Zealand, Vietnam and Thailand, all fuelled by his dream to write.

He writes as an outlet for his own quizzical mind, to expand his horizons and scratch the mental itch for as many people as he can. But more than anything, he writes to one day, get out of bed in the morning and do something he loves, working with a keyboard instead of a spanner.

You can find him on Twitter @AdamMrkWilliams