
Andre Shashaty

President, Partnership for Sustainable Communities; author, 'Rebuilding a Dream: America’s New Urban Crisis, the Housing Cost Explosion, and How We Can Reinvent the American Dream for All'

Andre Shashaty is a writer, editor and publisher with unique insight into America’s housing markets and policies that comes from 35 years of in-depth journalistic work on the subjects. He is the author of Masters of Inequality, which is set for publication in August. He also wrote Rebuilding a Dream: America’s new urban crisis, the housing cost explosion, and how we can reinvent the American dream for all.
As a reporter, Shashaty broke one of the biggest housing scandals in U.S. history, leading to the prosecution of several Reagan-era officials at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. After starting out as a local newspaper reporter in Ohio, Shashaty covered housing and urban issues in Washington, D.C. and New York City, eventually being named editor-in-chief of Commercial Property News, a national real estate journal. In addition to writing hundreds of articles and commentaries published in the country’s leading newspapers -- New York Times, Washington Post, and Chicago Tribune, among many others -- Shashaty also founded and owned Affordable Housing Finance and Apartment Finance Today. In 2006, he sold the magazine publishing and conference business to Hanley Wood. A winner of several writing and editing awards, Shashaty also founded and directed The Campaign for Affordable Housing, a nonprofit organized to promote greater public acceptance of affordable housing. He currently is president of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a national nonprofit education and advocacy group that promotes new ideas for urban planning and housing development. For more information or to buy the book, go to