
Daniela Quaglia

Scientist, writer and actress (at times)

I like to define myself as a scientist with a passion for art, in particular for writing and acting. I am increasingly interested in science communication and the divulgation of science to a non-specialized audience.
I currently work as a research scientist at Univeristé de Montréal (Québec, Canada) and a freelance writer.

I believe that versatility is the key to success and this is reflected in my career choices. I started off as a chemist during my undergraduate studies in Italy, but I then expanded my skills and knowledge towards biocatalysis and synthetic biology (which are also my current fields).
During my career, I traveled a lot, and this allowed me to gather a broad experience in both teaching and research. After carrying out my PhD in Ireland (University College Dublin), I moved to the UK where I worked both in academia (University of Manchester) and industry (London).