
Danila Crespin Zidovsky

New Mexican, child advocate, mom, first-generation Mexican American, glass-ceiling crusher

Danila Crespin Zidovsky is an early child education advocate and policy analyst. She's taught children both in New Mexico and South Korea. She was an original member of now Senator Martin Heinrich's staff, as well as a member of his senior staff during his successful reelection campaign in 2010, when only a handful of Democratic representatives won their races across the country. She's worked on several campaigns and is on the advisory board for the University of New Mexico's School of Public Administration, Emerge, and the Center for Civic Policy. She received her MPA from the University of New Mexico. When she's not working to expand access to high-quality early childhood education programs, she enjoys traveling, scuba diving, writing and spending time with her family. She resides in Santa Fe, NM.