
Dawn Wynne

Award-winning author and teacher

Dawn Wynne is an Amazon Children's Best Seller. She is also an award-winning educator with more than 15 years experience teaching students from kindergarten through high school, including special needs students, English Language Learners, and at-risk youths. She was recognized and honored with the "Teacher of the Year" award and the "Superintendent's Award" for her teaching excellence. Wynne earned a Bachelor of Arts in theater at UCLA and holds a Master's degree in Education from Nova Southeastern University. She has appeared in many television shows including General Hospital, Renegade, and Nightman. Wynne's short film, "Stalkers," won numerous awards, including the Audience Choice selection at the Palm Springs and Sarasota Film Festivals. Her first book, "I Remember When," is an Indie Excellence Finalist. "Earth Remembers When" has earned the Readers' Favorite Silver Award for best concept book and the Living Now Award for best children's picture book. "The Miracle Mitzvah Moose" was awarded a Children's Moonbeam award. In addition, Dawn is a certified Health Coach and embarking on educating children and families about healthy lifestyles.