
Dr. Eden Fromberg

Holistic gynecologist, female structural and functional medicine specialist

Dr. Eden Fromberg is the Founder and Director of Holistic Gynecology New York, a sanctuary for truly holistic women's health throughout the life cycle where personalized, innovative care cultivates wellness, activates the healing process, and unravels chronic and complex gynecological, hormonal, painful, structural and autoimmune issues. An osteopathic physician and clinical professor, Board Certified in both OB/GYN and Holistic Medicine, and Founding Member of the Fascia Research Society, Dr. Fromberg also researches, develops, and teaches therapeutic applications of yoga and movement. She is the Founder and Director of Lila Wellness studio in New York City where she produced women's wellness education, yoga, and movement trainings for women and professionals for over 13 years. She has advanced training and expertise in manual therapies including gynecological visceral and urogenital manipulation, studying directly with Jean-Pierre Barral. Her diverse background encompasses advanced studies with master teachers including Emilie Conrad, becoming a certified Continuum Wellsprings practitioner, and she is completing a master's degree in Dance and Somatic Well Being via the University of Central Lancashire, UK. She conceived of and co-teaches the popular 2-day professional level course, The Female Pelvis in the Cycles of Life, with structural integration pioneer Tom Myers, author of Anatomy Trains, and teaches Sustainable Childbirth workshops with midwife and CNN Hero, Robin Lim. Dr. Fromberg's insights into the interconnectedness of the body fundamentally reframe the medical dialogue and offer a spectrum of diagnostic perspectives and holistic treatment options, helping women throughout the life cycle achieve optimal hormonal, pelvic, and personal health. She addresses the complex areas of female pain, pelvic floor and sexual dysfunction from an integrative perspective, and teaches and consults with midwives and birth centers internationally, working intimately with Robin Lim in Bali since 1997, and with Ina May Gaskin. Dr. Fromberg appeared in the film The Business of Being Born, has been on the Medical Review Board and writes for the Huffington Post, and her work has been featured in Time, Yoga Journal, BUST, Natural Health, Spirituality & Health, Prevention, and Midwifery Today.