
Emmanuel I.S. Ajuzie

Associate Professor of Economics, Lincoln University

Dr. Emmanuel Ajuzie is an Associate Professor of Economics/Agricultural Economics at Lincoln University. He teaches Economics and Agricultural Economics courses, works in Cooperative Extension and Research, has diverse areas of interest, researches and publishes journal articles on issues of inflation and interest rate, investigates the effect of oil speculation on the economy, especially inflation, prices, and interest rate, published the effect of import of goods and services on the same economic variables; concluding why inflation will not pose any threat for U.S. economy, published a book and book chapters, reviewed books and articles of other authors for publication, developed marketing cooperatives with new organizational structure for perpetual existence, targeting small producers, examined environmental and natural resource issues, and firm size efficiency in the healthcare industry. Special awards he has received include, the Montclair Whoโ€™s Who in Colligate Faculty, North America, Distinguished Leadership award by the American Biographical Association, the Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, and the Scholastic Baccalaureate honors in Economics.