
Ernestine Fu

Engineering PhD student at Stanford

Ernestine is a PhD student in engineering at Stanford University, where she completed her bachelor's and master's degrees. She has been engaged in civic work since she was fifteen when she founded a non-profit to bring music to seniors, disabled people, and homeless families. She has also helped State Farm Insurance fund youth-led service projects, and is now on the committee shaping a new leadership and service center at the Presidio in San Francisco. The public service work that has brought her the most amount of joy is working with Professor Thomas Ehrlich. They are co-authors of โ€œCivic Work, Civic Lessons: Two Generations Reflect on Public Service,โ€ about why and how people of all ages, and particularly young people, should engage in public service. Ernestine is also a Kauffman Fellow working at venture capital firm Alsop Louie Partners.