
Gordon Vala-Webb

Author, speaker, consultant

Gordon Vala-Webb is an innovation professional, organization transformer, and an award-winning knowledge management practitioner and thought leader. He has 17+ years of experience helping public- and private-sector organizations to become smarter. Gordon is the author Building Smarter Organizations: How to lead your zombie organization back to life (available through Elevate Publishing or Amazon). Previous roles he has held include National Director of Knowledge Management for PwC Canada, National Director of Innovation and Information at McMillan LLP, and Cabinet Office Policy Advisor (Ontario). Teams he has led have won a number of awards including Jive World's "New Ways in Business" and the Showcase Ontario Award for Organizational Transformation, Gordon is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Innovation Professionals; he holds a Master’s degree in the Management of Technology. He lives in Toronto, Canada.