
James Minter

Fiction author

James is a full-time fiction author, and has been writing for the last four years. Prior to that time, he spent 35 years in the IT industry and wrote on a wide range of IT subjects, including many hundreds of training manuals.

He turned his attention to fiction during the summer of 2009. Armed with an A4 pad and ballpoint pen, he unleashed a stream of consciousness -- some 40,000 words -- before he drew a breath. Writing with such unbridled passion was new to him: a far cry from technical authoring. The excitement of not knowing where it was going, but having an evolving story with a host of characters spurred him on. The Hole Opportunity was the product of his imagination and the first in a series of titles to be completed. The Unexpected Consequences of Iron Overload followed a year later. This book, a spoof thriller, was written to raise awareness of a genetic medical condition, Haemochromatosi, and to raise funds for the Haemochromatosis Society.

Born 1952 in Oxfordshire, UK, James draws on his local knowledge to provide inspiration and settings for his characters, locations for his plots, and the mid-twentieth century for his historic anchors.

He is currently writing book two of the Hole Trilogy -- A Tunnel is Only a Hole on its Side, continuing to raise funds/awareness for Haemochromatosis, as well as sharing his experiences of self-publishing and self-promotion with other indie authors.

August 4, 2013

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