
Jeffrey Shaw

Business coach, speaker, podcast host and lifestyle entrepreneur

Jeffrey Shaw is a transformational leader. How ironic is it that the guy who spent 30 years bringing life INTO focus as one of the country’s most sought after portrait photographers is now freeing creative entrepreneurs around the world to leverage their “lack of focus” to diversify their businesses and live fulfilling lives. As a business coach and speaker, Jeffrey supports innovative entrepreneurs to use their creative strengths to get clear on who they are and what they stand for to build businesses that are profitable and fulfilling doing what they’re meant to do.

Jeffrey has published several business eGuides and his writings have been cited and published in various trade journals. Based in Manhattan, he travels the country speaking to various professional organizations. As a photographer, his portraits have appeared on the Oprah Show, CBS News, in “O” Magazine, People Magazine and New York Family Magazine. Jeffrey is also the creator and host of Creative Warriors podcast- bringing inspiration and relevant information to creative entrepreneurs on a weekly basis.

Jeffrey has built a successful career and a meaningful life based on instinct rather than rules and vision instead of circumstances.