
Jordan Blackstone


I have to admit, this is probably one of the most difficult things I have ever written. I have researched other bloggers at Huffington Post, and have to admit, I don’t have a resume that matches a lot of them.

I have not had an easy life, but I am thankful to have had one at all. Looking back I realize I have lived by 3 simple, but poignant, sayings.

“Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.”

Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. At a very young age, my biological family abandoned me. Don’t feel sorry for me though, others have taken up the mantel of “family” and done an amazing job. They have held my hand when I miscarried my sons. Loved me when I had no hair because of fights with the “C” word. Held me up when my marriage ended and I had to start over.

They have been with me in my joys, too. At the birth of my sweet daughter; when I found love again and married the man of my dreams. These precious people have been my family, not by blood, but by something stronger…LOVE.

“There are people who walk with you along life’s path, for a reason; a season and a lifetime.”

I have been extremely blessed to have loved and lost some incredible people in this journey called, “Life.”

Some of these people have encouraged my dreams. I have a deep love of music and have had the opportunity to sing in public, from the likes of opera, all the way to country. They told me I had the gift of writing and I believed them, so I did that.

Now I embark on another path, photography. I love being able to capture those moments that inspire me and share them with others. Don’t know if I’ll make money at it, but I know I’m going to enjoy the ride.

“There are people out there, who tell you, “You can’t do that!” What you have to do, is turn around and say, “Watch ME!”

I guess I’m one of those people who love a challenge. As a woman, I could never get use to the term, “can’t.” My work history reflects that, having a drafting degree; CA designation and a technology degree. I have worked in construction, managed facilities, fix my own car and held my own in technology. Guess my dad (not biological) was right, I am tough (or was that stubborn).

My next challenge, turning 50 gracefully – yeah, right! That and finding a new job…

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