
Karen Stabiner And Sarah Dietz


Karen Stabiner is the author of seven books. The Empty Nest: 31 Parents Tell the Truth About Relationships, Love, and Freedom After the Kids Fly the Coop will be published in May 2007. My Girl: Adventures with a Teen in Training was a finalist for the 2005 Books for a Better Life Award and has just been released in paperback as Reclaiming Our Daughters. Other titles include All Girls: Single-Sex Education and Why It Matters, and To Dance with the Devil: The New War on Breast Cancer, a New York Times Notable Book. A regular contributor to the Los Angeles Times Opinion section as well as to major publications, she lives in Santa Monica with her husband and her daughter, Sarah, who leaves home for college in the fall of 2007.

For more information, visit Karen's page on EveryWoman'

Sarah Dietz is a freshman at New York University. She grew up in Santa Monica, California before abandoning sunshine for humidity and snow. She is the daughter of fellow blogger Karen Stabiner but – unlike her mother – she does not intend to become a writer when she grows up. Living up to the stereotype of the classic undecided freshman, she's taking classes in several different fields and refuses to make a commitment to any of them.