
Kristin Lesche

18-year-old senior in high school

My name is Kristin Lesche and I’ll be 18 as of September 16th. I’m a senior in high school, as well as a sophomore in college. I live in that complex world between high school seniorities and hoping to hold my own as one of the youngest students in my college classes. My life revolves around trying to be a part of every senior-related activity at my high school, trying not to fail my college mathematics course, trying my best to actually have the motivation to study for my SAT as well as complete my college applications that I need said test for, trying to be the best order-taker at my job, and trying my absolute hardest to find time for my thoughts in the midst of it all. Right now, my life is all about trying, which is why I’m delighted to be given the opportunity at trying my hand at blogging for The Huffington Post High School section. I hope you enjoy reading about my life as much as I enjoy living it.

December 13, 2011

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