
Laurel Dickman

Fat, Fashionable Feminist Writer

Laurel Dickman is feminist, plus size influencer, stylist, and fat activist that can also be found via her blogs, Exile In Dietville and 2 Broke Bitches. She grew up in the south between Florida and North Carolina, migrating to the Portland, OR in 2005. All three places inform her perspective of the world around her a great deal. While in Portland, she worked with the Alley 33 Annual Fashion Show, PudgePDX, PDX Fatshion, Plumplandia, and numerous other projects over the near decade that she was there. In August of 2014, she moved to the Bay area with her partner, David and trusty kitty, Dorian Gray. She continues her body positive and feminism with a focus on intersectionality through various forms of activism, fashion, photography projects, and writing from her home in the East Bay. She can be reached at and encourages readers to reach out to her to collaborate!