
Margaret Hyde

Filmmaker, Writer and Photographer

Inspiration for the Mo’s Nose series struck Margaret in the middle of the night as her best friend’s dog, Mo, leapt into her imagination. She awoke and wrote the idea and text for Mo’s scent-filled adventure.

Margaret is an Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, publisher, writer and photographer living in Southern California with her three amazing kids. Originally from Memphis, Tennessee, Margaret relocated to California during high school and has remained out west ever since. She was inspired to create fine art books for children and started a small press in 1995, Budding Artists. She wrote her own children’s book, a modern take on the Goldilocks tale called Dreadilocks and the Three Slugs and the popular Great Art for Kids series including Picasso for Kids and Matisse for Kids. Margaret has also created travel books about Bhutan and Liberia where she traveled in 2007/2008 as a guest of both governments.

A big part of Margaret’s life is her service work. In addition to her regular contributions of time and funds, all of her creative endeavors have a service component with proceeds going to various organizations and charities. A portion of the proceeds from Mo’s Nose will go to Best Friends Animal Society ( and support their initiatives to work with humane groups across the country—to bring about a time when there are no more homeless pets. Margaret has been most active in her work with Writegirl, a writing and mentoring program for teen girls in L.A. County and New Visions Foundation, which creates educational opportunities for underserved children in California.