
Marjorie Hope Rothstein

Reflections on Becoming Ageless

Spa trends specialist, passionate about exploring the Art of Living Well (especially ethical and sustainable). Life-Stylist, uplifting and inspiring her clients to live their best life now via Interior Design and healthy lifestyle trends. With a penchant for boutique luxury resorts in exotic locales, follow her as she shares the latest in wellness travel, healing retreats, spas and design hotels. Her secret passion is researching becoming AGELESS, while on her own quest to discover leading edge beauty breakthroughs. With her finger on the pulse of new-aging innovations, including vibrant health and radiant beauty, Rothstein believes that the real healthcare of the future will be preventive self-care. The future is now! The first step is knowledge and learning about the keys to vitality. In search of the secrets to longevity, she is a consultant in the field of spas and how they contribute to healthy lifestyles. through Wellness and Evidence Based Longevity Products, SimplyYoung, Lifewave. Rothstein explores beauty secrets that support youth from the Inside-Out! To find out more sign up for her blogs,,