
Maura Kelly

Emmy Award-winning Media & Marketing Executive

Maura is an Emmy award-winning producer and experienced marketing executive. Her career spans leadership positions in broadcast television at PBS/ WNET where she built successful media franchises and helped raise close to $20 million for programming and EdTech initiatives -- to working with top-tier media companies, such as The Jim Henson Co, Scholastic & the Tribeca Film Institute. Currently, Maura is a principle of Purple Mountain Media, a consultancy practice and helps creators / entrepreneurs and non-profits develop and launch programs and cultural initiatives. Her fieldwork in Ethiopia with Helping Other People is documented here Maura was elected to the Board of Directors of NY Women in Film & TV (2013-2016) and served as Co-chair and Director of Programs. With her team, she oversaw 50 panels/ events a year on digital trends, distribution and financing. She is a frequent moderator and speaker at entertainment and business events. She has an MA in Media Arts from NYIT where she was also an adjunct lecturer.