

Mindful Media Leader & Chief Media Architect, ReFrame Network

Mel Sellick is a veteran live news reporter, original content creator and producer whose portfolio includes working with nearly a dozen of the world's top media networks and brands including NBC, CBS, History Channel, NIKE, the MOJO Hi-Def Network, Island Def Jam Group and others. Currently, Mel is the Chief Media Architect of the ReFrame Network dedicated to covering what's good, what's working and what's possible in the areas of innovation, environment, business, education and well-being. She strongly believes that media drives behaviors and perspectives on everything from personal safety to global economics. Her stance: if we want better stories personally and collectively, it's time for better examples. Mel writes about mindfulness, media with meaning, human capital, emerging global thought leaders, inspiring innovators, neuroscience and other timely topics. She's also a Mindful Media Leader whose been tapped to create mindful training curricula for corporations as well as media makers. As a wisdom seeker and amateur cultural anthropologist, Mel has traveled to sacred sites around the globe, studied agrarian cultures and has spent time with Native American indigenous elders, as well as the Sufi and Vedanta. Sheโ€™s lived and worked in many countries, meditates on a daily basis and is an outspoken advocate for designing a world that works for all.