
Memuna Forna

mother, columnist, campaigner and emerging markets PR specialist

Memuna Forna publishes FT Insight ( a magazine which celebrates the drive, determination and sheer doggedness of those who do business in Sierra Leone. She is probably best known for her enquiring mind. To this end, she knows a little about a lot and relies on the internet for the rest. She has written articles for the Guardian, the Times, Marie Claire, the Voice and several other publications and was for several years the Head of Media Relations at the Work Foundation, one of the UK’s top think tanks. Today she shuttles regularly between Sierra Leone and the UK, with brief forays to France for working holidays. She was born in Scotland, educated in England and brought up in several countries across the world, but her heart remains staunchly Sierra Leonean. She is a wife, a mother of two and a workaholic who is committed to the economic development of Sierra Leone.

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