
Roger Hickey

Roger Hickey is Co-Director of the Campaign for America's Future.

Roger Hickey is co-director of the Campaign for America's Future. The Campaign is a center for ideas and action that works to build an enduring majority for progressive change. Under the auspices of America's Future, Hickey helped to organize and lead a national coalition of citizen leaders known as the Americans United to Protect Social Security. He was one of the founders of the Economic Policy Institute, a Washington think tank that looks at economics from the point of view of working Americans. Hickey served as the EPI's Vice President and Director of Communications, helping to establish the international reputation of the Institute and injecting the work of progressive economists and analysts into the headlines and news programs of the mass media, into the debates of political leaders, and into the hands of citizens and workers fighting for economic change. A graduate of the University of Virginia, Hickey began his career in the 1960s as an organizer for the Virginia Students Civil Rights Committee and the Southern Students' Organizing Committee. In 1972 he went to work for Clergy and Laity Concerned About Vietnam as a producer for the UNSELL THE WAR CAMPAIGN, a million dollar volunteer TV, radio, and print advertising campaign with creative and production labor donated by the advertising community on the West Coast. In 1973 Hickey helped found the Public Media Center in San Francisco. As Media Director he coordinated production and media placement of TV, radio, print campaigns and conducted publicity efforts for consumer, labor, women's, and environmental groups. He won the first successful FCC ruling requiring Fairness Doctrine broadcast spot advertising response time to counter pro-nuclear utility advertising.