
Sharon Higgins

Public school supporter

Sharon Higgins was a public school parent for 18 years. Her interest in education was sparked by watching her children’s schools cope with NCLB’s stigmatizing label of “failing” at the same time her school district was subjected to the business model of education reform during a state takeover. Higgins became interested in researching and writing about education issues and eventually launched three blogs: The Perimeter Primate, The Broad Report, and Charter School Scandals. She is also a founding member of Parents Across America. Higgins appears in “Killing Ed,” a 2016 documentary about the controversial and secretive Gulen Movement’s massive involvement in the charter school sector. She has been a critical care nurse, a Navy wife, a ceramic artist, a stay-at-home mom, and a parent coordinator at her daughter’s middle school. She and her husband live in Oakland, California.