
Vickie Gould

Transformational Business and Book Coach, Law of Attraction Practitioner, Best Selling Author, Speaker. Find her at,

Vickie Gould is Transformational Business and Book Coach and Law of Attraction practitioner who helps her clients become client attraction machines. She is also a speaker and multi #1 Amazon Best Selling Author. She has been seen on ABC, CBS, CBS, FOX, the Boston Globe and The Herald urging people to ditch their zombie lives based on her own story of regrets. Vickie helps online entrepreneurs who are struggling with not attracting the right clients, not feeling unique in their niche and not having a consistent flow of clients. She helps them improve their attraction factor through writing their own Best Selling Books, ditching their limiting beliefs, and creating funnels so they can consistently attract and land the right clients .... she helps them BE THE REAL deal.