The Hillary As President Tour Of America

If Bill were putting together a "to do" list for when Hillary becomes president, it might look something like this.
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(I'm doing God's work)

It's all there, the kind of president Hillary would be, all foreshadowed by her campaign for the nomination. This was foreshadowed by the way she presided over health care reform, so this is really Hillary Redux.

What you have is a willingness to do what it takes, say what it takes, hold the shirt of the opposing ballplayer as he goes up for a shot, in the name of the greater good. The greater good, of course, is Hillary. She will save us from Obama. Or McCain. She will save us from ourselves, should we be so inclined as to not support her. However, on the two biggest projects of her life, health care reform and the run for the presidency, our ready-on-day-one candidate made a mess of both. Wasn't she supposed to win this thing in a walk?
She has thrown whoever it takes under the bus on her side, ran the upcoming Republican campaign for them, played guilt by association against her opponent. Morality is not a question. You are above morality when you are doing God's work. The gas tax gambit was perfect. Principles? Not a concern. Not when we have a need for her. Work the voters; they don't know what's best for them.
Everything about George Bush's presidency was foreshadowed by his Karl Rovian campaign and everything about the possible Hillary presidency is on view now. And vote for one, get two. If Bill were putting together a "to do" list for when Hillary becomes president, it might look something like this:
. Work on Hillary Re-election and Hillary Library campaigns. We did Lincoln Bedroom. Can't do that again. Do cocktails in the oval office. Will make a mint.
. Get a blog. Like "first husband" fireside chats. My personal views on issues. Set it up so site accepts advertising. Will make a mint.
. Develop reality TV show. "The Life of Bill." Ozzy Osbourne with class. What it's like to be me. And all the good I do. Retain distribution rights. Will make a mint.
. Do product endorsements. Like Tiger Woods does watches and stuff. "Bill Clinton is a man on the go. He needs to be on time..." kind of thing. Will make a mint.
. First things first. Get Hillary elected. We were on top of the world and will be again. Will make a mint.

It's been foreshadowed and we've been forewarned.

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