Who Makes Money Off Ann Coulter?

So now we have Coulter's swill being pushed by a big corporate New York publishing outfit. Why? Because it makes money, of course, big time.
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In this repugnant business that is Ann Coulter, let's not lose sight of this issue:

Who publishes her?

Her early ouevre was brought to a yearning world by the folks at Regnery, that far-right publishing enterprise that, according to Wikipedia, describes itself on its web site as "contrary to those of 'mainstream' publishers in New York." I won't go into the Regnery roster here, I'm sure it's at least partly familiar. Swiftboating of John Kerry, etc, anyone?

But a few years ago, one of those non-Regnery New York mainstream publishers, Crown, part of Random House, decided to create a new imprint, Crown Forum, to publish these non-mainstream folks America needs to hear from.

Folks like Ann Coulter.

So now we have her swill being pushed by a big corporate New York publishing outfit. Why?

Because it makes money, of course, big time.

This makes you wonder how the people who run Crown -- some of whom I've worked with -- can look at themselves in the mirror.

I guess money works as an anti-nausea medication.

The question I'd like to ask them is, Why not publish, say, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? You could probably whip up a lot of publicity there and ship a lot of copies, I'll bet. A surprising amount, maybe.

Or am I going "too far," does that finally violate your publishing "scruples"?

Please note I am not suggesting censoring Ann Coulter. Much as I'd like to escort her off the planet.

I just don't understand how a major publisher could stoop to giving her a forum -- and not expect to be reviled for it. Forever.

If you go out of your way to publish and prosper off a hatemonger, who are? What are you?

And what kind of respect do you think you deserve?

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