It was the "I get no respect" debate, featuring seven sad sack GOP presidential candidates who were relegated to the "Lower Tier Debate," at 5 PM ET on Thursday.
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It was the "I get no respect" debate, featuring seven sad sack GOP presidential candidates who were relegated to the "Lower Tier Debate," at 5 PM ET on Thursday.

These candidates had the lowest poll numbers-- they were like the unpopular kids in high school. They were all dressed up, but no one invited them to the prom. I swear they all looked so humiliated and rejected that I felt sorry for them. None of them wanted to be there, but were required to attend-- exactly how I felt in gym class.

Take a look at their sad little faces in this video when they are introduced by the substitute teachers. If this doesn't tug at your heart strings, you don't have one. I always have had a soft spot for the underdogs.

They had only 1 hour to make their pitch-- although it seemed much longer. Again, as in high school, everyone was waiting for the final bell to ring so we could all go home.

I suppose if you wanted to put a positive spin on it, at least it was a Trump-free zone. The class bully got to play with the popular kids at 9 PM ET.

The highlight of this entire pity party was this exchange, where all (except Rick Perry), demonstrated that they had flunked math class.

MODERATOR BILL HEMMER: I need a two-word answer to the following query. In 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama described Hillary Clinton as, quote, "likable enough," end quote. What two words would you use to describe the Democratic frontrunner? Governor Pataki to start.
PATAKI: Divisive and with no vision. No vision at all. (9 words)
FIORINA: Not trustworthy. No accomplishment. (4 words)
SANTORUM (Presumably; heard but not seen on camera): Secretive and untrustworthy. (3 words)
PERRY: Well, let's go with three. Good at email. (3 words, but at least he stated he wanted the extra word.)
JINDAL: Socialist and government dependent. (4 words)
GRAHAM: Not the change we need at a time we need it. (11 words)
GILMORE: Professional politician that can't be trusted. (6 words)

My two-word thoughts on this: Politicians can't be brief, count, or follow instructions.

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