How Do You Call Yourselves Christians?

Cumberland's a Baptist college is supposed to be a Christian college. And where in the name of Jesus - do they get the right to discriminate against gays?
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Of all the stories in the news today - here's the one that bugs me the most...

Down in Williamsburg, Kentucky - an outstanding student is expelled from the University of Cumberlands - simply because he's gay.

Now, this bothers me on two levels.

First, because it's so fundamentally un-American. Read the Constitution. Every American is entitled to the same rights and opportunities. Just because they're born American. It doesn't matter whether they were also born gay.

But this story also bothers me because it's so un-Christian.

I know, Cumberland's a Baptist college. But it's also supposed to be a Christian college. And where in the name of Jesus - do they get the right to discriminate against gays?

There were certainly gays and lesbians in Jesus's time. But he never said one word about them. If homosexuality were so evil - don't you think Jesus would have had something to say about it?

No, Jesus never condemned homosexuality. But he did condemn the Pharisees - just like the right-wing preachers of today - just like the leaders of Cumberland University - who masquerade their own prejudice as the word of God.

There's no room in America for discrimination against anyone.

And there shouldn't be room for discrimination in Christianity, either.

Those who do discriminate against gays, or anybody else, are not true Christians. They're phonies.

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