Ignore The Failed Former Oilman In Front of the White House

The man who has zero credibility on the energy policy. He offered nothing for eight years and he literally offers nothing today.
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President George Bush.

The former oilman who had to know that higher oil prices were inevitable yet did nothing in eight years to increase the supply of clean energy alternatives and expand energy-efficiency.

The man who said in every single State of the Union address that we needed to reduce oil consumption then did nothing about it.

That man had the shameless gall to say today that "in the long run, the solution is to reduce demand for oil by promoting alternative energy technologies," to strengthen our environment and national security, but "in the short run, the American economy will continue to rely largely on oil, and that means we need to increase supply especially here at home."

As if he became president yesterday. As if we were born yesterday.

He did not, and we did not. That man has zero credibility on the energy policy. He offered nothing for eight years and he literally offers nothing today.

He repeated the estimates of available oil -- 10 billion barrels in ANWR, 18 billion off our coastlines -- which I cited yesterday.

There's nothing "short run" about it. And that's after gas prices have skyrocketed $3.00 a gallon, breaking $4.00 across the country, during the course of his miserable presidency.

He has nothing to offer, and should be ignored. I'm sorry to have wasted your time and mine even writing this post.

Originally posted at the Campaign for America's Future blog.

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