Is This the Miracle Huckabee was Waiting For?

Where is Mitt Romney now -- and how do you "unsuspend" a campaign? Maybe Hillary should have majored in miracles!
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Where is Mitt Romney now?

And how do you "unsuspend" a campaign?

So the choice is Ron Paul or Huckabee?

Where is Michael Bloomberg when we need him?

Is a billion dollars enough?

Maybe Hillary should have majored in miracles!

Or is this a clever Rovian tactic to empower a dull and aging candidate with charisma and sex appeal?

Is this an answer to Obama's "Si, Se Puede!"?

The guy was in a hole in Vietnam for five years. Doesn't he deserve something back for his service to his country?

I am John McCain and I approve this message.

I pledge not to go after Bob Dole's job after the election

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