America's 'Oh Crap' Phenomenon

The United States is plagued by a long history of retroactive outrage preceded by black holes of apathy and ignorance.
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The Center for Survey Research and Analysis released an interesting and infuriating poll today regarding the Patriot Act which showed that the more American citizens know about the law, the less they like it. Not surprisingly, fewer than half of Americans know what the law is all about. And many of those who like it don't have a clue as to its content.

64 percent of Americans surveyed said they support the Patriot Act. Coincidentally, on the "Mmm-Doy!" barometer, the same percentage of Americans believe in Creationism, according to Harris.

That is, a vast majority of Americans are as comfortable with the Patriot Act as they are certain that the universe was created 5,000 years ago in less than seven days by a god who goes by the name "God". (God's pet monkey is named "Monkey", by the way. The creator of all living things isn't very creative when it comes to names.)

Why do both issues enjoy the same high level of support? Just like the support for Creationism, the support for the Patriot Act is derived from ignorance. It's easier to grasp, "POOF! The universe!" than it is to grasp an explanation that involves more complexity. Likewise, it's easier to grasp, "Well, it's called the Patriot Act, so it must be all for us patriots n' shit. I'm fer it, daggum!" That quote, incidentally, is the name of Toby Keith's next single.

What's infuriating about this Patriot Act poll is that only 42 percent of Americans know what the hell the law actually says. And only 23 percent of those polled support the part of the Act which says the government can enter your home any time it wants without telling you.

The United States is plagued by a long history of retroactive outrage preceded by black holes of apathy and ignorance. Take Election 2004, for instance. George W. Bush received 51 percent of the popular vote. Less than ten months later, the president can only boast the support of 36 percent of the country. This suggests that 15 percent of Americans changed their minds after realizing they made a mistake last November. Changed their minds at the expense of what? Do the list: the environment, the war, the economy, our reputation in the world.

Whoops! Oh crap.

I have one thing to say to that 15 percent: damn you, 15 percent of America! Change your mind now, will you? After it's too late? We tried to warn you.

It's absolutely indicative of the danger of quips like "mega-dittos" and "we report, you decide". If Rush Limbaugh says it, then it must be so. Or if Fox News reports something flagrantly biased or untrue while knowing that most of their viewers are too trusting or lazy to know otherwise, much less "decide", then enough time is bought to squeak through unconstitutional claptrap like the Patriot Act or worse: the Iraq War. Then when reality sets in, many of those same people belch out a collective, "Oh crap," after it's too late to wiggle out.

The Iraq War? More of the same phenomenon. Be it the knee-jerk support America threw at the president in favor of the invasion, or the criminal lack of investigation by the media, we're now witnessing the consequences in all their FUBAR glory. Oh crap, says America.

By the way, there's a gigantic "oh crap" on the way on October 17, the day Bush's Bankruptcy Bill takes effect. After that day, if you have to declare bankruptcy for any reason, prepare for an anal intrusion so deep that a "Welcome to Delaware" sign will begin to poke through your scalp. No exemptions for military vets. No exemptions for the disabled. Just attached wages and repossessions until the day your credit cards actually fossilize.

The Bankruptcy Bill is going to foster a climate not unlike that scene from "Goodfellas". Planning to start up a small business with a $100,000 line of credit? Business doesn't go well? Fuck you, pay me. National Guardsman returning from Iraq? Can't pay the mortgage? Fuck you, pay me. Lose your insurance? Get in an accident? Medical bills pile up? Fuck you, pay me.

But it felt good to vote for George W. Bush in November because John Kerry seemed "too French" and gay people shouldn't get married. It was easy to support something called "The Patriot Act" or "Operation Iraqi Freedom" without knowing what it really meant.

Just as long as we don't have to think too hard.

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