Anthony Weiner's Wife Huma Abedin Should Dump the Jerk! She Deserves Better!

Any wife would feel like she was kicked in the stomach if she discovered that her husband was sexting six other women -- including co-eds and a porn star -- behind her back. But for Ms. Abedin, it's even worse.
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Huma Abedin, here's why you should ditch the dirty-sexting jerk:

Any wife would feel like she was kicked in the stomach if she discovered that her husband was sexting six other women -- including co-eds and a porn star -- behind her back.

But multiply how that would feel by about a million for Huma Abedin, 34. Her husband, Anthony Weiner, 46, isn't just any husband, known only to his friends, family and work colleagues.

He is a 7th-term congressman, famous around the world, and his racy sext messages about his sizeable erection are now public for 7 billion pairs of eyeballs! Public humiliation or what?

Not only that, Huma is still a newlywed! She and Anthony have only been married since July 2010, and it gets worse!

Huma has worked for Hillary Clinton for 15 years. As the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations of State, so she also has a demanding high profile career in the public eye.

While her husband is confessing about his mortifying self-destructive horny-to-the max behavior, Huma has had to hold her head high and keep on working.

In fact, right now she's on a plane to the United Arab Emirates with Hillary, as the pair began on 5-day trip that goes on to Africa.

Huma, and let me know talk directly to you now -- you don't have the time or the need in your life for your husband's sex scandal!

You've done nothing wrong. You thought you married one man -- a smart, ambitious, caring go-getter that you thought you could share a loving and fascinating life with.

Guess what? It's hard to accept, I'm sure, but that man doesn't exist! He was a fake. Anthony Weiner has revealed the real him in his creepy sexts. He's an insecure, sex-obsessed narcissist who cares more about bragging about his big package to pretty strangers, then about building a loving life with YOU!

And you don't need this creep, like you don't need a whole in your head!

You've done everything right in your life. Studied hard, went to a great college -- George Washington University, worked hard, married a man that you could have an equal relationship with -- you thought!

Click here to read more about why Huma should leave Anthony!

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