Revealed! Why The Biggest Beauties Like Sandra, Elin and Halle Get Cheated On!

Guess what girls -- don't be envious of the most beautiful women in the world. Here's why not even great beauty can vaccinatewoman against being cheated on!
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Guess what girls -- don't be envious of the most beautiful women in the world

Look at Elin, look at Sandra Bullock, look at Halle, Britney, JLo, Reese, Julia Roberts, Jessica Simpson -- they've ALL been cheated on!

It's become irrevocably clear -- beauty is no vaccination against having your man cheat. and it's happened in every public area. Models -- gorgeous supermodel Christie Brinkley cheated on by her architect husband Peter Cook. Politics -- stunning Silda Spitzer cheated on by her husband Eliot Spitzer. Sports -- head turner Cynthia Rodriguez cheated on by her Yankee star A-Rod, and then when it comes to the world of celebrity, the list goes on and on with Jesse James' transgressions against his beautiful Oscar-winning wife Sandra, who thanked him in her acceptance speech, is just the latest jaw-dropper.

So why doesn't beauty confer ANY protection against a cheating spouse, fiance or boyfriend?

The problem in this situation is you're "the same beauty and guys are hard wired to like novelty," explains Kate White, Editor-in-Chief of Cosmopolitan. "If you look at what men want in nature, it's to spread their seed around."

There's that old saying "show me a beautiful women and I'll show you a man who's tired of sleeping with her."

"Beautiful women are prey to men who want to use their beauty to elevate their own status. Because of their beauty they're used to being adored, and they are flattered by guys who go completely goo goo for them," explains relationship expert, Dr. Gilda Carle, who has treated many celebrities.

The problem is that those guys often don't see beyond their beauty and they don't like it when they wake up one day and see a real person, who has a real problem one day, whether it's a cold or emotional needs. This type of man looked for a woman to make up for his own ego deficiencies, and when he can't get enough of that, he looks elsewhere."

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