Sandra Bullock: File Divorce Papers Now Before Jesse's Neo-Nazi Ways Take Down Your Career!

Run, Sandra, run from Jesse James like he's the plague. His cheating won't hurt you but his association with Neo Nazism will!
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Sandra, you need to put as much distance between yourself and your despicable husband of five years as possible. The ever-increasing revelations about his ties to Nazism will begin to hurt you and your clean-as-a-whistle reputation and career if you don't make a clean break.

A disturbing photo of Jesse surfaced a couple of weeks ago with your husband in an SS hat making a Nazi salute. Now, in a new story posted by RadarOnline today, a source claims that Jesse had a copy of Hitler's horrific anti-Semitic screed, Mein Kampf, in his West Coast Choppers office, as well as a Nazi uniform. Plus, he carried on an 11 month affair with Michelle "Bombshell" McGee, who has a swastika tattooed on her nether regions and a portfolio of photo shoots in Nazi regalia. The associations between Jesse and Nazism just keep piling up. And as they pile up, Sandra, more and more people will inevitably begin to wonder how you couldn't have known about his sick obsession.

Listen, Sandra, Hollywood clearly forgives drug and alcohol abusers and even cheaters. What it doesn't forgive is anti-Semitism and racism. Witness the near-demise of Mel Gibson's once stellar career, ever since he uttered drunken anti-Semitic slurs to Jewish police officer James Mee, who arrested him on July 28, 2006 on suspicion of driving under the influence.

"Anti-Semitism is a very serious, touchy subject in Hollywood -- it's the kiss of death to be seen as an alleged anti-Semitic or alleged racist. There's a very big Jewish community in Hollywood," points out Michael Sands, a prominent Hollywood image consultant. "If Sandra gets caught up in the middle of this it can be a rear-ender, career-ender," he warns.

To Read More on Jesse James and Sandra Bullocks Failing Marriage:

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