Democrats In Congress Should Announce That Any Election Fraud Will Be Investigated By A Democratic Congress

Democrats In Congress Should Announce That Any Election Fraud Will Be Investigated By A Democratic Congress
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Democrats in Congress today should send a
message loud, clear and powerful that this
election will be conducted with integrity and
fairness, and that if either House of Congress
becomes Democratic there will be a full
subpoena powered investigation of any form
of election abuse this November.

Moreover, I would urge nationally important
Democrats such as those who may run for
the Democratic nomination for president,
Senators not running for reelection, some
Congressmen and women from thoroughly
safe seats, and nationally prominent lawyers
to spend election day in key states, in key
precincts, as super-poll watchers in those
states and precincts most prone to abuse.

Lets make several things crystal clear:

1. There has been a recent history of voter
intimidation, voter suppression, and attacks
on voting rights that are in clear violation of
law. This has been particularly true in African-
American precincts and I predict it will be true
this year, because of the immigration issue,
in Hispanic precincts as well.

2. In state election after state election this
year, there have been repeated problems in
many precincts in various states. Many of
the machines are new. Many of the formal
election officials are untrained in these new
machines. There should absolutely be major
efforts to secure paper ballots and verification
everywhere. There should absolutely be
aggressive pre-emptive efforts assuming
that there will be problem areas on election
day, whatever we do.

3. For Democrats and others seeking an
honest election, according to law, where all
votes count we can isolate a reasonable
number of states, districts and precincts
where the danger of fraud or honest but
incompetent mistakes are highest. If we
target the most vulnerable, and concentrate
the maximum resources, in the smartest
manner, we can make a major difference
that could prevent enough fraud to affect
control in both the House and Senate plus
possible governorships.

There are huge long term issues surrounding
electronic voting, software that remains secret,
potential foreign influence, penetration for
fraud, the need for paper ballots that provide,
at minimum, verification. The issue for me,
is, exactly what can we do right now, that is
self-executing, meaning Democrats can make
it happen, that would deter wrongdoing, prevent
wrongdoing, and create maximum fast respond
time on election day.

Two specific, actionable and aggressive moves
immediately come to mind.

The first is that Congressional Democrats can
announce immediately that after the election
there will be special congressional committee
investigation, with full subpoena power, with
testimony under oath, with full public spotlight,
and with referral if appropriate for criminal or
civil prosecution based on any evidence or
proof that is uncovered.

This could be a joint committee of Congress if
both Houses become Democratic, or it could
be a special or relevant committee of one House if either the House of
or the Senate becomes Democratic.

Keep in mind, that while national Republican
leaders would make national plans, whatever
they are, if there is any wrongdoing it would
be implemented on the ground by local election
officials. It would be powerful medicine for local
officials to know, before and during election day, that they run the
risk of being subpoenaed
for testimony under oath and possibly then
prosecuted for wrongdoing.

For a local election official, this is a very big
deal. And, if local officials are asked ahead
of the election to cheat, or if honest local
election officials become aware ahead of
the election, of efforts to cheat, they would
have previously named members of a previously announced post election
Committee to contact immediately.

The message is: to those thinking of breaking
election and voting rights act, dont do it. To
those who spot suspicious activities in the
works, call this number in Congress and turn
the bums in.

Also, even the most honest local election
official will face problems of new machinery
and untrained officials in many precincts,
and knowing that there would be a subpoena
powered Congressional investigation would
give one whale of an incentive, to go the extra
mile before and throughout election day.

The second actionable proposal is to create
super-poll watchers that would be high level
Democrats such as Senators not running for
re-election, Congressmen and women from
safe seats, nationally renowned attorneys
and others, to spend election day monitoring key precincts in key
states. We should not
wait, before the polls open on election day,
we should have fleets of well trained lawyers
and high level Democrats everywhere that
danger might come.

The party and candidates will have their own
very good poll watchers, but it would empower
them profoundly on the spot, to have major
national figures with them. This would serve
three important goals.

First, on election day, lower level election officials who might be
tempted to cheat,
would frankly be intimidated and deterred
from cheating with high level figures a few
feet away. Second, if there are suspicious
activities, such as attempts to prevent African-
Americans from voting, high level figures would
have major clout to stop it early in the day.
Third, high level figures would have immediate
high level access to party leaders, election day
lawyers and the media to blow up any fraud
attempts and rectify problems ASAP.

They would report any irregularities early and
immediately; initiate formal legal action within
minutes; have information broadcast on Air
America and radio and cable television; have
the blogosphere spread it instantly; and get
polls reopened or action taken almost instantly.
By ratcheting this up to highest levels, we will
identify the problems faster, and solve them
with immediacy.

Considering the historic stakes in the election,
and the relatively modest net number of those
precincts most vulnerable to fraud, or most
likely to have honest mistakes that could be
rectified quickly, the prospect of aggressive
congressional investigation after the election,
coupled with super-poll watchers supporting
local poll watchers would have major impact.

There are many good ideas out there, my
hope is that Democrats in Congress could
quickly move on the prospect of post election
hearings and send a powerful, aggressive and
clear message.

This election must be honest,

The whole world is watching.

We are watching at the highest level.

We are prepared for early detection and
instant reaction.

With a Democratic Congress it will be a new
day for honest elections in America.

If you try to cheat you will end up with your hand on a Bible, your
testimony under oath, and your butt in prison.

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