Lanny Davis And Hillary Clinton On Fixing The Nomination

Lanny Davis And Hillary Clinton On Fixing The Nomination
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Lanny is the voice of a past that Americans want ended and his argument,
and Senator Clinton's, that the will of the people can be overturned by
the arrogance of insiders, is wrong, and will lose.

Would Senator Clinton propose we cancel the
primaries, the caucuses and the convention
if she does not like the verdict of the voters?
Perhaps the insiders can hold the convention
in the Capitol Rotunda without the interference
of elected delegates.

It is revealing that Lanny quotes the history
of the past, not even the 1990's, but the
1980's. He quotes the dead hand of a past
that is abhorrent to the enormous majority
of Americans who want business as usual
in politics ended, and want the future to
begin, now.

In Lanny's world, and Senator Clinton's world,
the primaries mean nothing. The caucuses
mean nothing. The surge of voters in record
and historic numbers means nothing. The
American people, except for party insiders,
mean nothing. Democracy means nothing.

They quote the 1990's, and they quote the
1980's, and argue for a restoration of the past,
a coronation of the insiders, a contempt for
the voters of America. Voters do not exist
in this world of the past, unless they serve
some tactical and manipulative purpose for
those who seek power for themselves and
those who believe they are smarter, and
more worthy, than those who go to the polls.

If voters want a future that is different they are ignored, disgarded,
thrown away as though the primaries did not happen. As though caucuses
did not happen. As though voters did not vote.
As though elections have no meaning. As though democracy has no

This is the kind of elitism and arrogance of
power that the American people reject in
record numbers. It is an elitism that argues
that a few Americans in the inner circles of
power are morally, intellectually or politically
superior to the American people who are
not invited into, or respected by, these insider
circles of power that are so out of touch with America in 2008.

In this view, the American people are rabble
who cannot trusted, their dreams for America
are refuse to be discarded, by those who claim
to know better than us what is right, when in
truth the only thing they know is what gets
them the power they crave, regardless of the

I know more than my share of superdelegates
and propose that both Hillary and Lanny are
wrong. The supers will not throw out the
verdict of those who attend the primaries
and caucuses. They will not stomp on the
democratic rights of those who vote for their
candidate. We shall see, who is right.

I will let Lanny claim the mantle of the 1980's
and let Hillary stand for the restoration of the
1990's with the tactics and attitudes that are
held in near universal disrepute by the people
of a nation who want true change, authentic
change, and a better future.

This is the year when the people are right
and the politicians are wrong and the future
is now. Barack Obama is winning this
nomination because he embodies the best
of the past, the movements of the present,
and the hope of the future.

Sooner than the experts believe the superdelegates will join the people
rather than resist the tides of history and the
aspirations of voters.

In America the people rule and those who do not honor this, will be left

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