Report From Washington, D.C.: Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?

Report From Washington, D.C.: Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?
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Ladies and gentlemen, the truth is, virtually
nobody in Washington is today speaking
the truth, publicly, about what they believe,
privately. Democrats, Republicans, liberals,
conservatives, Administration, Congress,
the Middle East is engulfed in an arc
of violence, chaos, civil war, and danger
and our politicians are almost universally
engulfed in an arc of spin, evasion and
positioning without substance or courage.

Honorable liberals may ask: where is Robert
Kennedy when we need him? Honorable
conservatives may ask: where is Ronald
Reagan when we need him? Honorable
Americans may ask: where have our leaders
gone? Advocates of freedom and democracy
around the world are asking: what happened
to the days when there were great Americans
in positions of power and we were viewed
around the world, as the leader of the free world?

When you watch the news and read the papers
dont believe a word they say from Washington,
because the truth is, most of them privately
dont believe it, either.

We are a Great Generation people, with a
Lost Generation leadership; we are a Right
Stuff nation, with Wrong Stuff politicians.

It is a sad and tragic outrage, in a dangerous
world. Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio,
when a great nation and hurting world turns
its lonely eyes to you?

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