Obama/Bloomberg: A Can't Miss Ticket?

Bloomberg could legally provide enormous campaign funding and prevent the need for President Obama to kowtow to special interests or to waste time fundraising.
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Michael Bloomberg is carefully evaluating his options, and has indicated that he will enter the presidential race only if he has a very legitimate chance of winning the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the 2008 presidential election.

Kevin Sheekey, Bloomberg's key political advisor, calls for delaying Mayor Bloomberg's decision until after March 5th, the date of the Texas primary. Waiting far into the primary process to commit seriously diminishes Mayor Bloomberg's chances of ever advancing to the Oval Office.

There is a legitimate option requiring immediate action that significantly increases the likelihood of a Bloomberg presidency. Though Mayor Mike is a CEO kind of guy, it is not unreasonable for him to team up with the other non-polarizing candidate in the race, Barack Obama, forming a real bipartisan coalition. Michael Bloomberg as Barack Obama's endorser, supporter, and eventual running mate!

Michael Bloomberg is 65-years-old, and his best and perhaps only shot at becoming president of the United States is by being the VP in a successful administration. Mr. Bloomberg would be a 'most senior advisor' for eight years, adding significant 'gravitas' to the executive branch, providing superior managerial expertise, economic expertise, and a large cadre of intelligent loyalists. He could legally provide enormous campaign funding and prevent the need for President Obama to kowtow to special interests or to waste time fundraising.

Michael Bloomberg is a realist. He knows that a divorced, pro-choice, Jewish billionaire from Manhattan with no national or international political experience, known for strict gun control policies, and for successfully raising property taxes, has no significant chance of winning 270 electoral votes as an independent -- no matter who the primary voters select to oppose him.

Anything short of an outright electoral vote victory sends the vote back to the House, where each state gets one vote, making an independent unelectable.

When he and Mr. Sheekey come to the realization that he cannot win the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the nomination, what is the best we can otherwise expect Mayor Bloomberg's national role to be when his term is up in two years? Senior advisor to the incumbent president? Visionary private philanthropist?

So Mr. Bloomberg, if you even remotely consider that you have enough clout to win 270 electoral votes, your overt support of Obama must be meaningful enough to nudge Mr. Obama into the Democratic victory column, and increase your likelihood of sharing a bipartisan ticket with Mr. Obama.

Mayor Mike, those of us who have seen you in action are convinced that you have what it takes to get the USA back on track. You are a realist, a consensus builder, and a futurist. You owe no one for your political fortunes, and you are not beholden to special interests. You surround yourself with very capable individuals and are a leader, a manager's manager, and a team-builder with a reputation for fairness and honesty.

While it is true that Obama might want someone who could broaden his political base, the ticket of Obama and Bloomberg would have great appeal to the center, the left, the business community, the blue states, the young voters, and the African-American communities. The Republican candidate, either McCain or Romney, regardless of running mates, would have little room left in the political spectrum.

A successful eight year Obama-Bloomberg administration would, at age 74, perfectly position Michael Bloomberg to be the next president of the United States. A viable option for a healthy man with a fully functioning 98-year-old mother.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a 16-year period of effective bipartisan government, untied to special interests and unfettered by endless fundraising, under the direction of smart and well-meaning individuals?

Mr. Bloomberg, revise your Sheekey Master Plan before the February 5th primaries and organize your support for Obama.

Intelligent voters depend on the Obama-Bloomberg ticket to build consensus, lead wisely, and manage the difficult issues that lie ahead.

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