7 Habits for Maintaining Better Work-Life Balance

When you're running a startup there can be little time for anything else. And yet it's crucial -- both to your health and to the success of your business -- to take a little time for yourself. Here's how you can ensure that this will happen.
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When you're running a startup there can be little time for anything else. And yet it's crucial -- both to your health and to the success of your business -- to take a little time for yourself. Here's how you can ensure that this will happen.

A. Schedule Dinner With Friends


It often feels hard to leave the office when you have so much critical stuff to work on. But the truth is, there will always be critical stuff to work on when running a startup. Schedule dinner dates with friends at least a few times a month to make sure you get out of the office and see the people you care about. -Lisa Curtis, Kuli Kuli

A. Schedule Time Off Far in Advance


Get in the habit of regularly planning vacations and three-day weekends six months in advance, and book them now. That way, it doesn't feel like you're abdicating your duties today, but you've already prepared your team for time off you probably wouldn't have taken otherwise. It's hard to have work-life balance on a daily basis, but it feels great to reach a planned vacation that you've prepared for. - Julian Flores, GetOutfitted, Inc.

A. Set Clear Boundaries, and Don't Violate Them


I set clear boundaries for myself, and go out of my way not to violate them. Those boundaries are based on my own limits -- how much sleep I need, my dining and exercise habits, etc. There's always more work to be done if you look close enough, so knowing when to step away for a breather is extremely important. - Steven Buchwald, Buchwald & Associates

A. Make Saturdays Sacred


Saturdays are sacred. As an entrepreneur, it is hard to ever fully "turn off." Even on weekends, it's easy to want to use those extra days to catch up on the items you didn't get to throughout the week. I've found it's important to have at least one full day to leave my laptop behind, get outside and recharge. It does wonders! - Nellie Morris, Purpose Generation

A. Schedule Time for Your Hobbies


If you're someone who sticks to their calendar, be sure to schedule time to do something you love that's not work-related. For example, I joined a basketball team recently, and it's perfect. Games are already scheduled, and they're weekly, so I'll always have something to look forward to. Scheduling time for your hobbies will naturally create a better balance while doing something you love. Don't be afraid to be selfish about it. - Thomas Edwards, The Professional Wingman®

A. Have an Office


I used to work out of my home and constantly found myself working 80-hour weeks. Having an office helps you separate work and play. There are so many low-cost coworking spaces available now that there is no reason not to. Plus, having an office will come across as more professional. If you're in LA and looking for a desk, check out Boxaplex. - Jon Bradford, Colab

A. Prioritize Time With Your Family


I'm a dad to one, soon to be two, and one thing I have learned about having kids is that you can't fake your level of involvement with your family. My wife understands the pressures of work, and my two-year-old son doesn't notice. And that's kind of awesome. When I am forced to consider the importance of sending another email vs. taking my son to the park, the park trumps. It's as good for my soul as it is for my boy's. - Adarsh Pallian, Trippeo

These answers are provided by members of FounderSociety, an invitation-only organization comprised of ambitious startup founders and business owners.

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