What Could Happen Tonight During Obama's Last State of the Union Address

Tonight, Barack Obama, our Commander in Chief, will address the nation during his last State of the Union Address. There is a lot of curiosity as to what Obama will highlight from his time as President, and what he will discuss as he prepares to leave office this year.
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Tonight, Barack Obama, our Commander in Chief, will address the nation during his last State of the Union Address. There is a lot of curiosity as to what Obama will highlight from his time as President, and what he will discuss as he prepares to leave office this year. Many are wondering if he'll endorse Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, we certainly know he won't be endorsing Donald Trump. Regardless of what happens, the State of the Union Address is a historic tradition written into our Constitution that started with George Washington addressing Congress in January 1790, and now it's a televised primetime event.

Tune in tonight to watch the State of the Union Address, follow along with our predictions and make your own predictions on Sage.

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