More Evidence of Mainstream-Media "Liberal Bias"

More Evidence of Mainstream-Media "Liberal Bias"
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Sarah Palin and John McCain are making a cottage industry out of claiming that if only the press would stop showing its liberal bias the American people would rally to their campaign. But the evidence keeps piling up that, if bias does exist, it runs the other way. Case in point: The networks have all accepted scads of ads from Chevron, Exxon, and the coal industry around the Presidential debate -- as is their right. But ABC refuses to run a rebuttal ad from Al Gore's WE campaign highlighting how the oil industry and other fossil-fuel interests have misled the American people and stood in the way of clean energy. Take a look and see if you think this is somehow "over the top":

Gore has collected more than 100,000 protests of this censorship, but ABC still hasn't moved. Back in August, NBC did the same thing to a T. Boone Pickens ad pointing out that other countries were using natural gas to power their vehicles while exporting expensive oil to the U.S.

So maybe it's not really conservative bias that characterizes the networks -- maybe they too, like so many politicians, are "Paid for by Big Oil."

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