Dishing, But Not Taking

Funny how much less the left likes "personal attacks" when they're directed at, rather than at President Bush.
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Having lied for months, if not years, about the President and the way the war in Iraq began, Democrats are now outraged -- outraged! -- that the Republicans actually forced them to do what elected representatives are supposed to do, i.e. vote on whether the USA should withdraw from Iraq. After all, it's so much easier to complain about the war than actually having to take a position on it -- especially when the whole country might be watching.

After months of calling the President a liar, Democrats seem inordinately sensitive to charges that they are the forces of retreat -- which they are today, just as many of them were in Vietnam.

Here is an excerpt from the linked AP piece, showing the House Dems at their tolerant best:

Democrats booed and shouted her down - causing the House to come to a standstill.

Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn., charged across the chamber's center aisle screaming that it was an uncalled for personal attack. "You guys are pathetic. Pathetic," yelled Rep. Marty Meehan, D-Mass.

Wow. That's a lot of dignity emanating from the left. Best of all is John Kerry, who ponderously intoned, "I won't stand for the swift-boating of Jack Murtha." Well, Senator Kerry, last I checked, you hadn't actually ever responded to the real questions about your war record the Swift Boat vets raised, including your Christmas in Cambodia fable.

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Gotta love the left -- good at dishing it, not so good at taking it. Funny how much less they like the "personal attacks" when they're directed at them, rather than at President Bush.

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