How to Get Your Small Business Unstuck

From time to time, business owners working in their businesses, find that they hit a wall or a plateau -- they get "stuck", so to speak. So how do you get "unstuck", whether you have been in business for a year or ten years?
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Running a business, especially a small business, is hard work. From time to time, business owners working on their businesses, find that they hit a wall or a plateau -- they get "stuck", so to speak. So how do you get "unstuck," whether you have been in business for a year or ten years? Barry Moltz, small business expert, recovering "entrepreneurholic" and author of the new book "How to Get Unstuck: 25 Ways to Get it Growing Again" gives you some tips.

CR: Barry, why do business owners get stuck so often?
BM: For many small business owners, running a company is not what they thought it would be like. They would not exactly call their business a smashing success, but they have made enough money over the years to keep the company going. They have always weathered the ups and downs, but recently, it has become more difficult to grow a profitable business. Every month, they are in the habit of searching to find new customers and revenue to keep your business going. They are constantly worried about cash flow and replacing the employees who always seem to quit or get fired. They wake every morning feeling like they are on a never-ending hamster wheel. As a result, both their energy and interest are waning.

CR: So, what do small business owners do wrong when trying to fix their businesses?

BM: They keep looking for that magic bullet that will be "the tipping point" to take it to the next level. They hope that that the next big customer or new employee will make the difference. Unfortunately, that brave knight on a white horse never seems to come. They never truly make a commitment to the small changes that will get them unstuck and moving forward. They keep looking for that home run!

CR: In which areas do small business owners typically get stuck the most often?
BM: It mostly revolves around six major areas: sales, marketing, management, leadership, money, productivity, social media and customer service. Some of these areas they have experience, but most of them, they know nothing about and are ill equipped to deal with.

CR: Can you give us a few tips on some of the biggest issues and how to solve them?

BM: Sure, here are a few:

They Let Today's "Emergencies" Dictate Their Plan.

They start each day by checking Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Their daily plan falls apart 15 minutes after arriving at the office. They are addicted to multitasking and constantly let themselves be interrupted by people and global electronic notifications. Instead, decide the night before two tasks that must get done the next before before checking email, voicemail or social feeds. This way, your day is guaranteed to be productive!

They Only Hire Employees That Are Weaker Than Them.

They are afraid of people knowing more than them and making them look bad. As an "A" Player, they only hire "B or C" players in supporting roles. They continue to use a hub-and spoke organization where all important decisions come through them, so they never feel left out. Hire people that are complementary to your skills and let them take real responsibility for parts of your business.

Their Fear of Rejection Stops Them From Selling.

They are afraid of the word "no." They think that when prospects reject their product or service, they are rejecting them personally. This prevents them spending the necessary time doing sales and marketing. They avoid sales and hire an inexperienced person to handle it. Remember, we actually can't sell anything to anyone. We just need to be there for people to buy. Think about how you can educate prospects (not sell) so they see your company as a solution when they have the need to solve.

To find out more tips, check out Barry's new book "How to Get Unstuck: 25 Ways to get it Growing Again" . You can also connect with him on Twitter @BarryMoltz or via the web at


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