Food Allergy Voices Are Called Upon To Congress Re: EpiPen

You are an important part of this confusing and frustrating puzzle.
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If Congress can fix their building, they can surely fix the access to life-saving meds problem
If Congress can fix their building, they can surely fix the access to life-saving meds problem
Caroline Moassessi

So where do we start to fix this broken pharma system? Headlines are screaming about the public outrage over high EpiPen prices while Congress awakens to this grave national problem. I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I read the Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) Advocacy Alert.

FARE stated that they, “need your help to keep the focus on solutions, not just finger-pointing.” I could not agree with this more. FARE is calling up our food allergy community to contact our Congressional reps and voice our concerns and take action.

For details, check out FARE’s Advocacy Alert, “Let Congress Know Epinephrine Must Be Affordable.”

It is so easy to get caught up in social media and headlines while forgetting that the real work is done off line. Writing Congress is key for the kind of change we seek. Muhammad Ali said it best, “the fight is won or lost far away from witness ― behind the lines”.

We are all in clear agreement that EpiPen® prices are sky high. For me, this is issue goes far beyond epinephrine as I am experiencing even worse price increases for my asthma medications. The Auvi-Q®, which was withdrawn from the market last October, (kaleo expressed their desire to return to market), was so expensive, I could only afford one set for my son. I purchased the Adrenaclick (also no longer available) with a scant $80 saving on a twin pack. The generic Epinephrine Injection, USP Auto-Injector, ranges in price from $144 (apply $100 off coupon) to $353. This story is not just a company specific situation, but an industry wide healthcare crisis. FARE shared this morning...

We need a health care system that balances affordability with innovation, ensures access to live-saving medications for all, and encourages meaningful competition.

As I discussed in my Huffington Post piece about the late Nevada State Senator Debbie Smith, “Protecting People with Life-Threatening Allergies:Remembering Senator Debbie Smith.” law makers can not make good decisions without hearing from constituents.

This is fact.

We are all feeling angry and upset as we light up social media with frustrations, but the real work is about to start.

Food Allergy Advocates Work Tirelessly for Change
Food Allergy Advocates Work Tirelessly for Change
Caroline Moassessi

If you are inclined to write a letter, the secret to writing a letter to any law maker is incredibly easy. Here is the magic: just be honest, polite and yourself.

Yes, it is that easy. Most of all, don’t forget to be clear on what you asking for. Headlines have expressed rage, so no need to go there. Write out clearly what you are seeking. For example, “Dear Senator Harry Reid, I need you to support new law and reform that will help me afford all of my medications, including epinephrine auto-injectors. I am not able to purchase life-saving medications and I put my child’s life at risk.” You don’t need to write a piece of prose that will impress or win awards.

Just be heard.

My grammar is always in need of help, but this is the one time I don’t give it a second thought. I just want my voice to be heard and guess what? Congress wants to hear that voice, too. You are an important part of this confusing and frustrating puzzle and your voice will be part of the solution.

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Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Celebs With Food Allergies And Sensitivities

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